Fellowship of Reconciliation


You've spent the past year working for peace, justice and nonviolence in your communities -- and that hard work has rippled up throughout the country.

Donate before Dec. 31 and double your impact

Donate Now

Help us sow grassroots change nationwide -- invest in us so we can invest in you!

Make a tax-deductible donation to FOR and we'll double it.

Act fast! Our matching grant expires at the end of 2013!

Whether it's the 21st Century Freedom Ride through the South, the Bay Area New Priorities Campaign, taking the message of Jobs Not Wars to the streets, The Future Is NOW conference on peacemaking and activism for youth and young adults in Minneapolis, the Facing Tear Gas actions in Texas and along the U.S./Mexico border, or anti-drone legislation successfully passed in upstate New York -- we at the Fellowship of Reconciliation are overwhelmed with gratitude, and putting our staff on the ground to support this important work in the next year.

But the truth is, we can only be effective if we're able to fully fund our grassroots organizers -- and at the moment, we're falling short of that goal.

Make a year-end donation to support FOR's grassroots work for social change.

IFOR Fellows and FOR staffOur executive director, Rev. Kristin Stoneking, has made a personal commitment of a $4,000 matching grant to the Fellowship of Reconciliation -- but only if we receive gifts from our supporters to match that amount.

That means that between now and New Year's, every dollar you donate to FOR will be doubled. But you must act before Dec. 31!

Support peace, justice and nonviolence with a tax-deductible donation today.

We've been working to transform individuals and communities through reconciliation since 1915 -- with you, and people like you, with us every step of the way.

So often we ask so much of you -- of your attention, your time, your activism, your organizing. We continue to value and celebrate the incredible work that you do.

Today, we're asking you to invest in FOR so we can invest in the work that you do.

Making a donation to FOR today, and double your impact.

In 2014, we want to support the campaigns I mentioned above to the fullest extent. But we want to do more than that -- we want to plant seeds of hope in the new year, empowering our local communities and our faith communities to work ever more effectively for social justice.

Today, this day, we need your help in getting there.

Make a year-end donation to the Fellowship of Reconciliation and help us plant the seeds of a better tomorrow.

In peace,

Ethan Vesely-Flad
Director of Communications
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Top image: A panoramic view of FOR's Shadowcliff headquarters in Nyack, NY (photo by Kaeley Pruitt-Hamm). Right image: IFOR Fellows and FOR staff, October 2013 (photo by Gretchen Honnold).

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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