Fellowship of Reconciliation


"I've never encountered a space like this. The idea that spirituality renews our work and protects us from burnout, because we're all doing very challenging work," states IFOR Fellow Rosario Quiroz.

For the past two months, the Fellowship of Reconciliation has hosted a global nonviolence and peacebuilding training program for five outstanding young adults at "Shadowcliff," our national headquarters in Nyack, N.Y.

This week, those emerging human rights leaders returned home to their frontlines activism in Rwanda, Romania, Azerbaijan, Mexico, and the U.S. South.

Your support made this nine-week IFOR Fellowship School possible. Thank you.

Please donate now to help us train more young leaders in the theory and practice of nonviolence in 2014.

We invite you to take five minutes to watch this beautiful video of the Fellowship School in action.

(A special thanks to filmmaker Sahar Alsahlani of the Community of Living Traditions at Stony Point Center.)

As Nurana Rajabova of Azerbaijan states, "This has been a great opportunity for me ... to design my own individual project, which can be more practical for me in my country and my context. It's a great program to gain practical and also theoretical knowledge at the same time."

According to Rosario Quiroz, the Fellowship School shows that "everyone deserves to have their humanity recognized, regardless of their beliefs and their background."

We have an ambitious goal to provide many more such training and educational opportunities for young leaders this coming year, but we can't do it without your help.

Won't you please make a generous year-end donation to FOR today?

Through our support in 2013 of the IFOR Fellowship School, the Young, Pacifist, and Proud initiative, the Living Legacies tour of the March on Washington anniversary, the 21st Century Freedom Ride, and other programs, FOR is focused on identifying and supporting those who will organize the next phases of the international peace and justice movement.

Please join us. 

In peace,

Rev. Kristin Stoneking
Executive Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation

P.S., Don't forget, if you are a new FOR donor or haven't contributed in the past two years, my family and I will match your gift, up to $4,000 in contributions!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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