Fellowship of Reconciliation


Just one final reminder -- in just a few hours, our donation thank-you gifts will expire.

Donate before midnight to claim your thank-you gift:

  • Your free gift: A poster featuring four covers of the MLK comic bookDonors of $15 will be sent Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story, the comic book published in 1957 by FOR and featured this year on the Rachel Maddow Show and The Colbert Report. The book even played a role in the Egyptian revolution!
  • Donors of $35 or more will be sent the comic book and a four-cover poster in English, Spanish, Arabic and Farsi. This poster is only available as a thank-you gift and cannot be bought in stores!

Make a tax-deductible donation to FOR now.

Additionally, donations from new donors made before midnight will be doubled, thanks to a matching grant from Rev. Kristin Stoneking -- every $1 you donate will go twice as far, but only if you act now!

FOR can't do what we do without your support -- without your time, dedication, vision and, yes, donations. Tonight, as we count down to a new year, we hope you'll make a small investment in the Fellowship of Reconciliation so that we can help support you -- with grassroots organizing efforst around the country -- to build a better future.

Donate to FOR, and let's build a more peaceful, just, and nonviolent 2014.

--Ethan, FOR

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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