Fellowship of Reconciliation

Dear Friends,

We are overwhelmed. On Tuesday, we asked you to help us raise $10,000 to support the family of Richard Deats in paying his medical bills incurred as a result of his December 2012 traumatic brain injury.

Richard DeatsWe knew that Richard, our long-time member and leader, is much beloved throughout the Fellowship, but we never anticipated this response.

In just three days, more than 200 gifts have come in totaling more than $20,000!

You are amazing. All of these funds are needed, as the $10,000 goal was set as a partial contribution to existing and future needs. This outpouring of support will help the Deats family for many months to come in supporting Richard's long-term recuperation process.

Katherine Deats, one of Richard and Jan's four children, writes,

To all the wonderful friends of my father who have supported my family during this time of adjustment -- I want to thank you with much gratitude for your prayers, financial support, and outpouring of love ... during this difficult time. My mother continues to struggle to pay the medical bills and home health aide expenses that my father's accident made necessary and we are all so grateful for the help. In honor of my father's 82nd birthday we will be having a family celebration on Saturday, February 8th.

For those who wish to monitor Richard's healing process or to send a birthday message to Richard, the Deats family has set up a website to inform friends and family of Richard's health progress and to post your comments. You can access this Caring Bridge website by clicking on the following link and (after setting up a free account on the site) using this password for Richard's page: richard117.

Thanks for your amazing support. Today, we are truly a Fellowship of Reconciliation.

It's not too late to make a gift.

In gratitude,

The Friends of Richard Deats

The Rev. Patricia Ackerman & Daphne Joslin, Hossein Alizadeh & Nick Tocci, William Anderson, Virginia Baron & Cliff Enright, Lili & Tom Baxter, Jo Becker & Jan Hesbon, Bonnie & Robert Block, Duane & Sandy Cady, Janet Chisholm, Pat Clark & Inelle Bagwell, Dorothy Cotton, Pat Coy & Karin Tanquist, the Rev. John Dear, James & Shelley Douglass, Chris & Ralph Dull, Jim & Nancy Forest, Susan Owen Glaser, John Goodwin, Doug Hostetter & Bobbie Smolow, Rev. George & Jean Houser, Mark & Mary Johnson, Rev. James & Dorothy Lawson, Ed & Ellen McManus, Stefan Merken, David McReynolds, Kathy Mills & Qambar Jaffery, Melinda Moore, Don Mosley, Rev. Allie Perry & Charlie Pillsbury, Jody & Paul Richards, Sally Savage, Revs. Ken & Nancy Sehested, Rev. Kristin Stoneking & Elizabeth Campi, Ethan & Rima Vesely-Flad, Elisabeth & Dick Voigt, Anita Fee Willis, June Keener Wink

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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