Fellowship of Reconciliation


Shadowcliff, FOR-USA's headquarters in Nyack, New York, has suffered critical water damage as a result of heavy rains this past summer.

As you can see from the photo, water from these torrential storms pooled on Shadowcliff's roof -- this caused a leak that resulted in extensive damage to our office space on the second floor.

Fixing the roof leak alone was $25,000, wiping out the Shadowcliff repair and maintenance reserve fund we have drawn on for decades. And estimates for securing the resulting structural damage in the walls range from $30,000 to $40,000, money which we simply don't have.

Will you make a tax-deductible donation of $3 or more so we can remain in our historic home?

In order to finish basic repairs and replenish the maintenance fund, we need to raise $30,000.

Donate $30 to the Shadowcliff Building Repair Fund

Donate $133 to the Shadowcliff Building Repair Fund

Donate $300 to the Shadowcliff Building Repair Fund

Donate any amount -- all donations are fully tax deductible

If we don't raise these funds, FOR-USA may not be able to stay in our home.

But it isn't just FOR's home -- Shadowcliff has incubated many significant groups over the years like Creating a Culture of Peace, Interfaith Peace-Builders, and religious peace fellowships for Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist traditions. It currently houses Creative Response to Conflict and several local community groups.

Shadowcliff has been a significant place of refuge in the interfaith peace and justice community. In decades past and in the present, we have hosted trainings for those working on the frontlines for peace and social justice, and provided space and time for rest and reflection.

Donate to the Shadowcliff Building Repair Fund and help us continue this work!

If all our members contributed just $30, we would reach our goal.

You may also send your contribution by check. Put "BRF" (for "Building Repair Fund") in the memo line, and send your check to:

P.O. Box 271
Nyack, NY 10960

We appreciate anything you are able to contribute.


Jonette, Kristin, Hope, Hillary, Stacey, Nicole, Meredith, Gretchen, Ethan and Linda
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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