Fellowship of Reconciliation


The People's Climate Rally in NYC drew hundreds of thousands of people, and the murder by the police of an unarmed Black youth in Ferguson has mobilized millions of people across the country and the world to ask the question "Where do we go from here?"

We'd like to invite you to a panel discussion this Thursday, Oct. 23 at 7:00 PM, at the Fellowship of Reconciliation headquarters, 521 N. Broadway in Nyack, NY.

In Rockland County, NY, we are concerned about issues such as: desalinization, fracking, Indian Point, the oil pipeline as well as issues of social justice based upon mass incarceration, stop and frisk and growing issues of job and income inequality.

Members of the Rockland Coalition to End the New Jim Crow and related groups across the Hudson Valley have been raising questions about institutional racism, and have been struggling against police brutality and supporting bills to support "Ban the Box."

Please join us as we discuss these pressing local and national issues.

Keynote panelists:

Haley Pessin, Rockland Coalition to End the New Jim Crow

Marilyn Elie, Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition

Brian Jones, Green Party member and candidate for New York Lt. Governor

Admission is free, and free refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Marc Pessin at 845-558-8355.

This event is supported by the CEJJES Institute, the Rockland Coalition to End the New Jim Crow and the Fellowship of Reconciliation.

Please note that FOR does not endorse any political candidate. As an interfaith organization, FOR-USA's mission is to organize, train and grow a diverse movement that welcomes all people of conscience to end structures of violence and war, and create peace through the transformative power of nonviolence.

Additional upcoming events

Stony Point, NY, Sunday Oct. 26

First annual Farm-to-Table gala benefiting the Stony Point Center.

SPC is moving food justice forward with their beautiful, thriving farm -- and wants you to taste the fruits! Join Stony Point for a fundraising effort to support a sustainable model for food, justice and nonviolent peace.

The event will include a presentation of the Living Traditions Award to Jalal Sabur of Sweet Freedom Farm and the Freedom Food Alliance. Farmer, organizer, educator and innovator in the pursuit of a just food system, Sabur's work exemplifies the values of the Community of Living Traditions: justice, peace, nonviolence, earth-consciousness and radical hospitality.

Learn more about this event and register.

Garrison, NY, Friday, Nov. 21 to Sunday, Nov. 23

Workshop on the "Chemistry of Connection" with Tara Goleman, Daniel Goleman, Bob Sadowski and Aaron Wolf at the Garrison Institute.

"We're far more likely to work through our differences if we can connect to a shared secure mode, one that facilitates empathy while not insisting the other person share our perspective. We're more likely to create an empathic connection where each person's needs are heard and addressed if we nurture compassion as our default mode."

Registration options begin at $400 for commuter students.

Learn more about this event and register.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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