Fellowship of Reconciliation


Nonviolence has taken a major step forward in the United States this year.

Donate before Dec. 31 and double your impact

A big thank you for your past support of FOR, Friends. Can we count on you again?

Donate Now

With your help, we can continue to press forward on racial justice, nonviolence and reconciliation nationwide. And if you donate before midnight on Wednesday, your impact will be doubled!

The heartbeat of democracy

Watch the video above to see the kind of work FOR fellows like Rev. Osagyefo Sekou are doing in Ferguson and nationwide. Nonviolence truly is the heartbeat of democracy!

Make a tax-deductible donation to support nonviolence -- and we'll double it!

Act fast Friends! Our matching grant expires at the end of 2014!

We know, however, that gains made by racial justice and peace activists have come only after violence has continued to be inflicted on communities of color.

Can we count on you to donate $ in support of our continuing work for a more peaceful 2015?

While we can and should celebrate coalitions like the Ferguson clergy march (above) and moments of nonviolent strength like the heartbeat of democracy (right), popular pressure must continue to be waged if we hope to make lasting change on institutions doing violence to people of color.

We have big plans for 2015 -- continuing to support racial justice activists through the Don't Shoot Coalition in Missouri, and hosting nonviolence trainings for organizers from around the country.

We want to thank you, Friends, for your past support of FOR. And we're asking you to support us again, so we can continue to push forward on this progress in 2015.

Make a year-end donation of $ to support nonviolence in 2015.

FOR's National Council is so excited about the work planned for the coming year that they've made personal pledges to match donations up to $5,000 through the end of the year.

But we will only receive those pledges if we receive gifts from people like you, Friends, to match that amount.

That means that between now and the New Year, every dollar you donate to FOR will be doubled. But you must act before Dec. 31!

Support peace, justice and nonviolence with a tax-deductible donation today.

We've been working to transform individuals and communities through nonviolence since 1915 -- with you, and people like you, with us every step of the way.

2014 has been an incredibly dynamic year of change. We have continuously reached out to you for support with your attention, your time, your activism, your organizing; and you have constantly been there. You are FOR-USA and we deeply value and celebrate the incredible work that you do.

Today, we're asking you to invest in FOR so we can invest in the work that you do. Can you donate $?

Make a donation to FOR by midnight Wednesday, and double your impact.

In peace,

Linda Kelly
Director of Communications
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Top photo by Heather Wilson.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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