Fellowship of Reconciliation


We had a fabulous turnout of 38 people for Diane Goodman's first workshop "What is White Privilege and What Does it Have to Do with Me?" that happened on Sunday, January 11th.

Participants said, "I loved the structure. We got so much accomplished in such a short time." And felt the experience was "clear, convincing, and inspiring."

This Sunday, Dr. Goodman will offer the next workshop in the three part series Exploring What it Means to Be White.

Workshop 2, Jan. 25th

Despite Our Best Intentions: Unconscious Bias and Unintentional Racism

Featuring highly interactive discussions and self reflections on:

  • Research on implicit or unconscious racial bias.
  • Uncovering and minimizing unconscious bias.
  • Manifestations of unintentional racism and ways to address them.

A respectful and supportive environment will be created to explore new information, raise questions, and share experiences. Additional resources will be provided.

And remember to mark your calendars for the final workshop in the series:

Workshop 3, Feb. 8th

Being Part of the Solution: Addressing Racial Issues and Fostering Racial Justice:

  • Responding to racially biased comments.
  • Talking about race and racism.
  • Acting in solidarity with people of color and with other white people on racial justice issues.

All workshops are taking place from 3:30 to 5:30 PM at FOR's headquarters, 521 N. Broadway, Nyack, NY.

Facilitated by Diane Goodman, Ed.D. and sponsored by FOR.

How to register

Suggested donation for each session is $10. No one will be turned away based on ability to pay.

To register or for more information, email drdianegoodman@gmail.com or call 845-358-9181.

You are welcome to attend one or all of the workshops.

Diane Goodman is a white woman who for over 30 years has been working on racial and social justice issues as an educator and activist. Diane trains and consults nationally and internationally and is a part-time faculty at the Graduate School of Education at SUNY-New Paltz. She is the author of the book, Promoting Diversity and Social Justice: Educating People from Privileged Groups 2nd ed. (Routledge, 2011) and other publications. For more info see her website: www.dianegoodman.com

Image: Creative Commons

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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