Fellowship of Reconciliation

Dear Friends,

Amos Gvirtz is a Jewish citizen of Israel who has developed an international audience with his "Don't Say We Did Not Know" weekly emails about unpublicized incidents, events, and government actions affecting the Palestinian and Bedouin communities in Israel and Palestine.

Amos GvirtzA life-long pacifist and Israeli peace activist, he is a longtime member of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation and part of the Negev Coexistence Forum for Social Equality. His newly published book, Don't Say We Did Not Know, addresses the crimes being committed in the name of the State of Israel and the moral questions Israelis must face today.

Next week in Manhattan, Amos Gvirtz will appear in two public events:

Mon., April 13, 7:30 PM
West Park Presbyterian Church
165 West 86th Street (corner of Amsterdam)
New York, NY
Contact: Virginia Baron or the Rev. Robert L. Brashear
Get directions to this event
Sponsored by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Rebuilding Alliance, and War Resisters League
All donations go to support the legal costs of the Bedouin Negev village Al-Araqib, demolished 80 times by Israeli police

Israeli bulldozerWed., April 15, 10:30 AM to 12:00 noon
United Nations Church Center
777 U.N. Plaza (44th Street & 1st Avenue)
Hardin Room, 11th Floor
Contact: The Rev. Mark Koenig
Sponsored by the Israel-Palestine NGO Working Group at the United Nations

Please join us next week in New York City for either of these two programs with our brother Amos Gvirtz. It will be an opportunity to discuss the plight of these most vulnerable citizens of Israel as well as the achievements of -- and difficulties faced by -- human rights and peace organizations in Israel that are working nonviolently to prevent their dispossession.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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