Fellowship of Reconciliation

Dear Friends,

This week, FOR-USA joined a large and diverse group of Christian leaders to voice support for the framework of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between Iran and the P5+1 nations concerning Iran’s nuclear program.

In an open letter entitled Hope, But Verify, we told political leaders that It is imperative that you pursue this agreement with integrity, commitment, and perseverance.”   We affirmed the biblical commandment to seek peace and urged political leaders to support diplomatic efforts to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear-armed state.

The mark of a Christian is that we live in hope, believing that the world of peace, justice, and love that Christ showed us can indeed come to be for all people.

The Iran Nuclear Framework Agreement is based on hope and trust, while offering a mechanism of support and accountability.

Organized by Rev. Jim Wallis, Founder and President of Sojourners, the letter was published as a full-page ad in Roll Call, a Washington D.C. political newspaper widely read by members of Congress and their staff. This statement of support and encouragement of the agreement is particularly timely with the 2015 Review Conference of the Treaty of Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the United Nations beginning at the end of this month, where FOR will have presence in leadership in pre-events (more info to come on the Peace & Planet Conference!) and as participant observer at the talks.

I urge you to consider adding your own voice in support of the diplomatic process and to share the opportunity with others. Read the letter, discuss it in your churches and communities of faith, and add your name. This is a historic opportunity for diplomacy to triumph over armed conflict, and as people of faith, you can play an important role in helping the process succeed. 

With prayers for peace,

Rev. Kristin Stoneking

Photo: Civilian diplomacy delegation to Iran sponsored by FOR in February 2009.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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