Fellowship of Reconciliation

We have come into this exquisite world to experience ever and ever more deeply our divine courage, freedom and light! ~ Hafiz

Dear Friends,

The Fellowship of Reconciliation applauds the recent nuclear agreement between Iran, the United States, and their negotiating partners as an important step towards lasting global peace.

From 2005 to 2012, the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) coordinated more than 15 interfaith peace delegations to Iran. These delegations were managed during one of the periods of greatest tensions between Iran and the United States, with no formal political ties between the nations. These courageous individuals were among the only North Americans to travel to Iran during that period, and FOR’s commitment to people-to-people diplomacy has arguably laid a groundwork for the high-level diplomacy that has led to this week's historic agreement.

We particularly honor two Iranian-American FOR members -- Hossein Alizadeh, founder of FOR's Iran Program, and Leila Zand, who became director in 2006 -- for their tireless efforts to organize these unique delegations and advocate for peaceful resolution of the political conflict.

The agreement will not only work to limit the spread of nuclear weapons and lift the sanctions currently in place against Iran, but it will also work to foster a sense of cooperation and mutual respect between the U.S. and Iranian peoples. By fostering such an environment, important steps are being taken towards a more just and peaceful world community.

While we recognize that the journey towards such a community is far from over, this agreement provides more clear evidence of the power of nonviolent action and should be a point of encouragement for those around the world who seek to resolve conflict through the power of compassionate action.

FOR pays tribute to the peacemakers in every country — those at the grassroots as well as those in the halls of political power — who have remained committed to constructive engagement over military options, and to seeing the face of a neighbor in one who is demonized as an enemy. We encourage the U.S. Congress and other political leaders to affirm this agreement and to continue moving us forward on the righteous path of mutual respect and world peace.

In celebration of progress,

Ethan, Kristin, Linda, Alex, and the FOR team

PS. You can express your support of this historic deal with Iran by signing any one of a number of timely petitions to Congress, such as the one by the Friends Committee on National Legislation or Stop war with Iran which is endorsed by many peace and justice organizations.

Photos: FOR November 2008 Jewish leadership delegation with Ariel Vegosen, Rabbi Brant Rosen, Iris Bieri, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb (face turned) and others, photo courtesy of Rae Abileah; Leila Zand (front, 2nd from left) and women from FOR's March 2007 civilian diplomacy delegation to Iran gather on U.N. International Women's Day, photo courtesy of Bill Wolak.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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