Fellowship of Reconciliation


In 1915, FOR was founded primarily by persons of the Christian faith. Over the past 100 years, people of many faiths have built dozens of movements for peace and justice within FOR.

Nov. 7 Centennial multifaith service, featuring:

Arun Gandhi: Concerned with the terrorism, violence and anger in the world, Dr. Gandhi speaks on the philosophies of his grandfather -- Mohandas Gandhi -- as well as how to quell and mitigate unrest. Dr. Gandhi believes that it's important to reach children with messages of hope and peace; he co-authored a children's book to tell the story of how Grandfather Gandhi helped him discover that "anger can illuminate. It can turn darkness into light." Such lessons are essential for children to learn in order to make positive change.

For Guy Davis, the blues remain his first and greatest love. Growing up in a family of artists (his parents were Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis), he fell under the spell of Blind Willie McTell and Fats Waller at an early age. His much-praised 1995 debut, "Stomp Down the Rider," earned him acclaim for his deft acoustic playing, well-traveled voice and literate, yet highly accessible songwriting. "With the world falling apart it's up to all of us to be ambassadors and to spread the music everywhere we can. There's nowhere that I don’t want to play," says Davis.

Naaz Hosseini is a singer, dancer, violinist, psycho-therapist, voice healer, and voice empowerment coach. She has performed internationally with the Meredith Monk Vocal Ensemble and the Laura Dean Dancers and Musicians. In 2001, she received the Rockland County Executive Arts Award for Performing Artist. Recommended in Dance Magazine, her highly acclaimed album of healing vocal meditations, "SoundPath," inspires relaxation, imagination and creativity.

Lisa Sokolov is a frontline New York jazz vocalist, classical pianist, improviser, composer, and an acknowledged pioneer for her contributions in the field of music therapy. She is the originator of "Embodied VoiceWork," a vocal improvisation method. In addition to recording, performing and teaching all over the world, Sokolov's work as a lay cantor was featured in the CBS special, "Sacred Art; Ancient Voices."

As we gather this November to celebrate our centennial, we want to honor our multifaith heritage and our spiritual growth as an organization. And we want you to be there!

The keynote speaker at our centennial multifaith service on Nov. 7 is Arun Gandhi, lifelong activist and co-founder of the Season of Nonviolence. Many of FOR's religious peace fellowships, representing many faith traditions, will be a part of the event. And our service will feature music by Guy Davis, Lisa Sokolov and Naaz Hosseini.

Most importantly, however, we want our anniversary service to include YOU. Please join us:

Centennial Multifaith Service: Free and open to all

When: Saturday, Nov. 7, 3:00 PM to 4:15 PM

Where: The Riverside Church (Nave), 490 Riverside Drive, New York, NY.

Following the multifaith service, FOR will host a dinner, reception and silent auction. Proceeds will go entirely to funding work for peace and justice through nonviolence -- over the next century! Get your tickets today!

"The work for peace, justice, and the care of creation is a spiritual vocation," says our multifaith service chair -- and FOR member since 1967 -- Rev. Nathaniel W. Pierce.

"For me it will be very meaningful to join with many others in the same place where so many of FOR's leaders have gathered in the past, to feel the Lord's presence and the spiritual energy of the gathered community, and be renewed by this magnificent legacy of faith incarnated in prophetic action."

The venue for our centennial events -- Riverside Church in New York City -- is the same place where our community gathered to celebrate our 75th anniversary in 1990. (Were you there? We'd like to know!)

We hope you can join us in New York this November for these special centennial celebrations. If you can't, please share the events with your friends and colleagues!

And be sure to mark your calendar for the FOR Centennial Conference, next summer in Seabeck, Washington.

In faith and peace,

Linda E. Kelly
Director of Communications
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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