Fellowship of Reconciliation


After two or more years of envisioning and planning, all the pieces of FOR-USA's centennial celebrations are coming together.

The exhibit has arrived in many boxes on pallets and the artists are flying from across the country to assemble the art installation at James Chapel, Union Theological Seminary, for the opening on Thursday evening in New York City.

A portion of the FOR Centennial exhibit on Dr. Martin Luther King.

FOR-USA headquarters, Shadowcliff, circa 1950.

The Riverside Church in New York City.

The filmmakers are completing edits to the documentary for the premiere of their work in progress, the artists are transporting the Peace Tower for unveiling, and Shadowcliff is preparing for guests on Friday evening in Nyack, NY.

The multifaith service committee has arranged a wonderful line up of musicians and speakers for this Saturday at The Riverside Church. Arun Gandhi, the fifth grandson of Mohandas Gandhi, the lead speaker for the service sent this message to FOR in advance of the day:

"My association with FOR dates back 65 years, starting as a young teenager in South Africa with Rev. Blacksall. I am glad to be still around to celebrate the centenary of this wonderful organization. May it continue to serve another 100 years with the same dedication and commitment."

Twenty-three tables of fabulous items have been collected and shipped for the silent auction. Hors d'oeuvres are being prepared and cases of wine are waiting to be imbibed. FOR staff and centennial committee members are fielding last-minute concerns while preparing for guests that are flying in from all over the country and as far away as the Netherlands, Israel, Palestine, and Japan for the reception and gala dinner at Riverside Church on Saturday evening.

Dr. Liliane Kshensky Baxter, FOR-USA National Council member in the '90s and 2000s and National Council chair 2003-04, will be offering one of the reflections at the dinner program. She writes:

"I've met some of the finest people in the world through FOR and International FOR. The deep commonality felt between us is one of the great joys of my life. Regardless of differences in region, religion, or animating issues, a powerful bond is quickly established based on our shared conviction in the transformative power of active nonviolence and the goal of securing the freedom and dignity of every human being on our planet."

Although at times the centennial committee, my colleagues, and I have felt harried and anxious to meet all the demands of our centennial season, we've been determined to honor to the utmost of our ability this exalted moment in the life of FOR-USA.

Now holds all the power of 100 years of hope, dreams, courage, sweat, toil, victories, joy, and tears; and it is the fusion of this century of memories, the strength and inspiration of our forbearers, and the fortitude of our convictions that will propel FOR's mission into the future.

We celebrate all that we've done to remember who we are and embolden ourselves to go forth.

Please join us! And if you can't make it to New York City in person, the Saturday events will be live-streamed online! Stay tuned for details.

In peace and gratitude,

Linda E. Kelly
Director of Communications
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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