Fellowship of Reconciliation


The anti-refugee and anti-Muslim rhetoric is out of control. Entire groups of human beings are being marginalized. This needs to stop immediately.

With 31 U.S. governors attempting to prevent Syrian refugees from settling in their states, Congress attempting to legislate a ban on Syrian refugees nationwide, presidential candidates calling for a religious barrier to Muslim immigrants, and rapidly increasing attacks on mosques and Muslim nieghbors, the hateful climate is truly dispiriting.

In times like this, we are especially proud to proclaim FOR as a multifaith and global movement. An attack against our family members who are Muslim is an attack against us all.

That’s why next Tuesday, we're launching a grassroots campaign called #GiveRefugeesRest.

In the same vein as previous FOR campaigns -- most notably our rice campaign that helped persuade President Eisenhower to not bomb China during a nationwide famine -- it is our deep hope that #GiveRefugeesRest will be a strong symbolic action that leads to significant national change.

We need your help. Starting next Tuesday, Jan. 12, you can send a strong message to the 31 governors calling for this ban.

FOR staffer Linda Kelly creates and displays her #GiveRefugeesRest pillowcase.

We're asking you to use a pillowcase from your house or buy one, write a message on it about your dream for the United States, include the hashtag #GiveRefugeesRest, take a selfie photo and share it on social media, and then mail it to your nearest governor or the Speaker of the House.

Design and send your own pillowcases to represent the dream we share for the United States, and tell our elected officials: Wake up to human rights, and give refugees rest!

A campaign website will launch on Tuesday with more details and addresses of the 31 governors. But we're so excited about the potential of this campaign, we want to give you a heads-up now.

There's nothing more basic than having a place to lay your head. And with your pillowcase, you'll demonstrate that there's nothing more American than welcoming a refugee from war and oppression.

You'll be joining people from across the country, painting a pillowcase with a personal message about the United States they dream of, for everyone.

FOR plans to kick-start this campaign next week with a #GiveRefugeesRest video. Although we're committed to launching the campaign no matter what, we will be able to spread it even further with your financial support.

Make a donation on our special #GiveRefugeesRest page to give us the strongest launch possible.

Watch your email next Tuesday for details on how to get involved. I hope we'll have your support!

In solidarity,

Anthony Grimes
Director of Campaigns and Strategy
Fellowship of Reconciliation USA

Top image: Hassan Saad, 13, who fled Idlib in Syria, flashes a victory sign while walking outside the refugees camp near the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern city of Yayladagi. Photo by Freedom House (Creative Commons).

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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