Fellowship of Reconciliation


There's just one week left for you to nominate a person or organization for the 2016 FOR Peace Awards. Don't wait -- make a nomination!

As part of our work in supporting and amplifying the work of innovative peace workers, FOR awards three peace prizes -- international, national, and local -- each year.

Last year, FOR supporters like you made some extraordinary nominations, and we were proud to give awards to Combatants for Peace, Ruby Sales and Cheryl Blankenship of the SpiritHouse Project, and the Peace and Justice Action League. And we have incredible awardees going back decades: Check out our list of past award winners.

Whom should we recognize this year?

Nominate your favorite individual or organization working for peace by next Friday, April 15.

This year, awards will be made at the FOR Centennial conference in Seabeck, Washington, in July. With your help, we can publicly thank and support the best activists from around the country!

In 2011, my colleague Linda Kelly wrote,

"Each spring, I receive the nominations to FOR's annual Peace Awards. It is for me the most uplifting event of the blossoming season. The stories that cross my desk of individuals and organizations that devote their time and creative energy to promoting peace and nonviolent justice in the world are the antidotes to the despair and fear generated by mainstream news. All the nominees are humble, courageous, heroic folks that live and work in accordance with the truth of the human heart."

We want to hear about the humble, courageous, heroic people in your life.

FOR makes three awards:

  • The International Pfeffer Peace Award honors those around the world working for peace and justice.
  • The Martin Luther King Jr. Award recognizes those working in the United States to further the Rev. Dr. King's nonviolent approach to transforming racial, social, and economic injustice.
  • The Local Hero Award celebrates an individual or organization working to promote peace and justice within their own local community anywhere in the United States.

You may nominate someone for more than one award, and you may nominate more than one individual or organization for each award if you like.

Make a nomination for the FOR Peace Awards today!

There is no requirement that you or the nominee have any affiliation with the Fellowship of Reconciliation, so please share this announcement with your networks of peace and justice advocates!

Meredith Nicolich
Peace Awards Coordinator
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Image: "Dove of Peace," 1727, presented by Pope John Paul II to the United Nations in 1979. (Wikimedia, public domain.)

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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