Fellowship of Reconciliation


I'm thrilled to announce that the Fellowship of Reconciliation has launched a new website! I hope you'll agree that the refreshed logo, bright colors, and streamlined style exemplifies our spirit as an interfaith organization for peace and nonviolent justice that is 100 years old and continuing to blossom.

What does it mean for you?

  • You can browse FOR's bookstore which features works by Vincent Harding, Walter Wink, and Richard Deats, as well as our historic MLK comic book, festive cards, and gifts too! Plus now you can create an account for your shopping ease!

FOR logo
What's different with this logo? Hint: it can fly now!

We assure you, however, that while the online face of FOR has changed, the soul -- our mission and vision -- remains the same.

The process of website redesign presented an opportunity to bridge 100 years of experience with our work in the movements for peace and justice today; and, though our new site is forward thinking, you can still find our previous blog entries, Fellowship magazines, and reports in our FOR Archives. We will always cherish our history!

The latest reports from peace and justice movements

The new FOR blog will continue to feature dynamic reports as multifaith movements of active nonviolence unfold in the United States and worldwide. Here are a few of our latest posts:

  • Max B. Lee, one of FOR's summer interns (pictured at right), launched his blog series entitled Journey of Reconciliation with a reflection on "the first freedom ride" organized by FOR staff members Bayard Rustin and George Houser in 1947. Max writes, "This blog depicts moments in history, but its focus isn't the moments themselves. It's as much about the journey from the past to where we are now."

Just like Max's blog, our new website represents FOR's journey from the past to the present and beyond. We will continue to improve upon and build out various aspects of the website in the weeks and months to come - it is a work in progress!

I hope you will enjoy exploring forusa.org today and welcome any thoughts or ideas you have for our new online presence.

With gratitude for your support always,

Linda E. Kelly
Director of Communications
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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