Fellowship of Reconciliation


Anthony Grimes, FOR's Director of Campaigns and Strategy, recently co-led a delegation from Interfaith Peace-Builders of indigenous and people of color to Israel and Palestine.

Anthony Grimes in Palestine.

The group's path started unconventionally, with missing passports, rescheduled flights, and some unfortunate detainments -- but proved in the end to be exciting, exhausting, and extremely rewarding.

The delegation was comprised of people of color and indigenous people who are active in the Movement for Black Lives, the fight for immigrant rights, and the Palestinian-American community, among others. As the group traveled through Palestine they met activists on the ground and learned about the history, culture, and struggle.

This particular delegation moved through their trip mindful of the intersectionality at play in their own lives as well as the lives of the oppressed in the Middle East.

Anthony Grimes and delegation members in Lifta.

Interfaith Peace-Builders began in 2001 as a part of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, and since branching off into their own organization has continued the work of building movements of solidarity with struggles for justice in Palestine and Israel.

FOR has kept close ties with IFPB over the years, and is co-sponsoring a delegation this fall in which you can take part!

The October 2016 trip, the Olive Harvest Delegation, will be led by Cindy Corrie of The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, and Margaret Dereus of the Institute for Middle East Understanding. This delegation will travel throughout the West Bank, learning from Palestinian nonviolent resisters and Israeli peace activists, and visiting significant historic and religious sites. The trip will specifically focus on the importance of agriculture in the Palestinian economy and culture, and allow delegates to join farmers for the harvest!

Learn more about joining the Olive Harvest Delegation.

As for the recent delegation co-led by Anthony Grimes, we'll be posting reflections and lessons from the trip on the FOR blog in the coming days and weeks.

Abigail Gibson
Communications Intern
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Abigail Gibson is a recent graduate of Fordham University. She joined FOR in June as a an intern.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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