Fellowship of Reconciliation

Chain Reaction 2016


There are more than 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world's arsenals right now -- ready to destroy the world.

FOR supporters like you have long worked for nuclear disarmament, leading the way in the 1980s during the "nuclear freeze" movement.

This year, we're excited to invite you to a new initative to break free from the immorality and insecurity of nuclear weapons: Chain Reaction 2016.

"Today, we are launching a chain reaction of peace actions," said Alyn Ware, one of the organizers, "to counter the threat posed by these instruments of mass destruction." Centered on creative nonviolent protest, Chain Reaction 2016 will include actions around the world for nuclear disarmament. It was launched earlier this year in Sydney at the International Peoples' Tribunal on Nuclear Weapons and the Destruction of Human Civilisation.

Help us break free from nuclear weapons

To get involved with Chain Reaction, you can find an action near you, or organize your own nuclear disarmament event! Organizers are suggesting events take place coinciding with days of remembrance and peace -- such as Aug. 6, the day Hiroshima was bombed; Aug. 9, the day Nagasaki was bombed; and the International Day of Nonviolence, Oct. 2 and Gandhi's birthday.

If you plan an event, send the details to caroline@pnnd.org so that they can be included and advertised as a part of Chain Reaction. You can also share your events through United for Peace and Justice.

If you have questions about Chain Reaction, feel free to contact info@unfoldzero.org. Chain Reaction is being coordinated by UNFOLD ZERO and the Basel Peace Office. FOR is co-sponsoring the project.

In peace and gratitude for your efforts,

Abigail Gibson
Communications Intern
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Linda E. Kelly
Director of Communications
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Bottom image: Hiroshima after the nuclear bombing in 1945, by No. 9 Army Film & Photographic Unit (public domain).

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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