Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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Radio discussion this afternoon about FOR's comic book on Dr. King and the Egyptian revolutions.

Television interview Tuesday evening with FOR director Mark Johnson.

Grassroots advocacy training this weekend on Capitol Hill.


Fellowship of Reconciliation has been offered an extraordinary opportunity to lift up messages of peace, justice and nonviolence -- in Times Square, New York City!

This 20-foot wide digital billboard in the heart of Times Square will carry a 15-second advertisement from FOR that will run once per hour for several weeks. An estimated 1.6 million people walk within sight of this billboard every day.

We want to make maximum impact, but we have to act fast -- so we need your help.

Submit your photos to run in Times Square!

Simply reply to this email with your photo for consideration. We must receive your photos by 4:00 PM Eastern time on Friday, March 4, in order to consider them.

The photo should speak to the theme Imagine Peace, and involve a person or people holding signs with one of the following statements, written large so people will be able to read it:

  • I Will Not Kill
  • I Will Not Bully
  • I Will Not Harm
  • I Will Love
  • I Will Honor
  • I Will Respect

We welcome these statements in any language, and from individuals in traditional cultural dress and religious cloak. We especially encourage images of young people.

Because of the large resolution at which these photos will be displayed, we can only accept photos that meet the following specifications:

  • The highest resolution your digital camera will take -- pictures from camera phones cannot be accepted
  • Horizontal or "landscape" orientation: wider than it is high
  • Vibrant colors, rather than pastel or soft-light
  • Preferably a dark background
  • Full rights to display and publish: these should be your photos!

Images that are not used for the digital billboard may be used on our website or in other FOR publications.

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to spread the message of peace! Remember, to participate in this event, you must submit your photos by 4:00 PM Eastern tomorrow, Friday, March 4.

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Upcoming events

Dr. King and Egypt

Listen to FOR Program Director Shauen Pearce and past FOR Executive Director Richard Deats discuss the role of an FOR comic book about Martin Luther King in the recent Egyptian revolution. This story has reently been featured in the Los Angeles Times, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, ColorLines, and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund blog.

Listen online TODAY at 2:00 PM Eastern.

Centering on Peace

Watch FOR Executive Director Mark Johnson interviewed on the television program "Centering on Peace."

Watch live, Tuesday, March 8, at 9:00 PM Eastern.

After Tuesday, you can also view the program in the archives.

Grassroots Advocacy Training

Join FOR Executive Director (and Interfaith Peace-Builders board member) Mark Johnson in Washington, D.C. this weekend, to learn new skills relating to grassroots campaigns, faith-based organizing and effective advocacy.

Register for the training March 6-7 on Capitol Hill for $40-110 (sliding scale).

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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