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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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The Fellowship of Reconciliation is pleased to invite you to participate in three major events as part of our campaign toward halting U.S. militarism in Latin America.

Struggling for Peace in a War Zone speaking tour

Jesús Emilio TuberquiaSan José de Apartadó Peace Community founding member Jesús Emilio Tuberquia will be speaking in a nationwide tour from March 27 to April 20. He will talk about what led to his Colombian town's decision to become a peace community, and the importance of international solidarity for their survival. The Fellowship of Reconciliation and Peace Brigades International, co-sponsors of the tour, maintain human rights observers in San José de Apartadó.

In March and April, the speaking tour will visit cities in California, Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico, North Carolina, New York, and Washington, D.C. For a complete itinerary, please see the bottom of this email. For more information, contact Susana Pimiento, (512) 542-1769.

Latin America Solidarity Conference

April 8-11 in Washington, D.C.Join FOR and hundreds of activists for the Education and Strategy Conference to Build a Stronger Movement to End U.S. Militarism and the Militarization of Latin America, to be held at American University in Washington, D.C., from April 8 to 10.

Plenary speakers include FOR's John Lindsay-Poland, Honduran popular leader Gerardo Torres, Ciudad Juárez poet Perla de la Rosa, economist Mark Weisbrot, analyst Laura Carlsen, theatrical director Héctor Aristizabal, and dozens of workshops, music and skill-building activities. Registration is only $25.

Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia

Hand to hand for peace in ColombiaColombia's faith communities stand firmly for peace amidst grueling violence. Now they ask faith communities across the U.S. to join them in this year's Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia, from April 8 to 11.

Hundreds of faith communities will dedicate part of their worship service that weekend to praying and working for peace in Colombia.

Will you join us? Download our complete packet (PDF) for bringing the Days of Prayer and Action to your faith community, or read more online.

Speaking tour itinerary

Sunday, March 27: San Francisco, California. 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Casa de los Sentidos, 2649 Folsom Street (BART: 24th Street/Mission). Cost: $7 for a delicious Colombian breakfast and discussion. Contact: John-Lindsay Poland, johnlp@forusa.org, (510) 282-8983.

Monday, March 28: Berkeley, California. 7:00 PM, Berkeley Community College, 2050 Center Street (BART: Downtown Berkeley). Cost: Free! Contact: John-Lindsay Poland, johnlp@forusa.org, (510) 282-8983.

Tuesday, March 29: Fairfax, Marin County, California. 7:00 PM, Fairfax Community Church, 2398 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. Suggested donation: $5 to $10, no one turned away. Contact: John-Lindsay Poland, johnlp@forusa.org, (510) 282-8983.

Wednesday, March 30: Colorado Springs, Colorado. 5:00 PM, Colorado College, 902 North Cascade Avenue. Cost: Free! Contact: Professor Alberto Hernandez-Lemus, ahernandez@coloradocollege.edu

Thursday, March 31: Albuquerque, New Mexico. 12:00 to 2:00 PM, University of New Mexico, Latin American and Iberian Institute conference room, 801 Yale Boulevard NE. Cost: Free! Contact: Keira Philipp-Schnurer, kphilipp@unm.edu, (505) 277-7047.

Friday, April 1: Albuquerque, New Mexico. 6:30 to 9:30 PM, Bella Roma Bed and Breakfast, 1211 Roma Avenue NW. Cost: Free, but RSVP is required. Contact: (505) 480-9008 or (505) 400-4543.

Sunday, April 3: Raleigh, North Carolina. 7:00 to 9:00 PM, The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi, Fellowship Room in Clare Hall, 11401 Leesville Road. Cost: Free! Contact: Chris Courtheyn, courtheyn@gmail.com, (831) 325-3925.

Monday, April 4: Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 5:30 PM, University of North Carolina, Global Education Center room 1005, 301 Pittsboro Street. Cost: Free! Contact: Chris Courtheyn, courtheyn@gmail.com, (831) 325-3925.

Friday, April 8, Washington, D.C. 6:00 PM, Latin American Solidarity Conference, American University, Ward Circle Building, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW. Cost: $25, as part of the conference. Contact: Emily Nelson, repusa2@pbicolombia.net

Tuesday, April 12, Ithaca, NY. 12:15 to 1:15 PM, Cornell University Law School, Myron Taylor Hall room 277. Cost: Free, open to the public and lunch included. More information. Contact: Dawne Peacock, dawne-peacock@lawschool.cornell.edu

Wednesday, April 13, Syracuse, NY. 12:00 to 2:00 PM, Syracuse University College of Law, location TBA. Cost: Free! Contact: Julia Hall, juhall@syr.edu

Wednesday, April 13, Syracuse, NY. 7:00 to 9:00 PM, Artrage Gallery, 505 Hawley Avenue. Cost: Free! Contact: Jessica Maxwell, jessica@peacecouncil.net, (315) 472-5478.

Thursday, April 14, Rochester, NY. 7:00 PM, location TBA. Contact: Will Bontrager, wmbontrager@gmail.com, (585) 289-9641.

Friday, April 15, Chicago, IL. 7:30 to 9:30 PM, The John Marshall Law School, 315 South Plymouth Court. Cost: Free! Contact: Sarah Simonson Manning, sarahsimo@gmail.com

Tuesday, April 19, Chicago, IL. 6:00 PM, Loyola University, McCormick Lounge, 1032 West Sheridan Road. Cost: Free! Contact: Elizabeth Lozano, (773) 508-8535.

For more information about the tour, contact Susana Pimiento, FOR's Director of Action, (512) 542-1769.

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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