Fellowship of Reconciliation
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Fellowship of Reconciliation
Working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

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The Fellowship of Reconciliation has been advocating nonviolence and peaceful resolution of conflict since World War I. One of the ways we at FOR practice building bridges of understanding among nations is civilian diplomacy. International civilian diplomacy, a "track two" form of diplomacy, has been practiced by FOR since the 1920s.

Join us on an upcoming delegation!

Occupy AIPAC


We are excited to announce that plans for Occupy AIPAC are under way and we hope you will attend from March 2-6 in Washington, D.C.

Registration is on a sliding scale, $20 to $100 for the entire weekend.

With the Occupy movement that has swept the country demanding social and economic justice, many have concluded that AIPAC -- the powerful pro-Israeli government lobby that distorts U.S. policy in the Middle East -- is a mandatory "occupy target."

Timed to coincide with the annual AIPAC policy conference in March 2012, the Occupy AIPAC summit will be a long weekend of teach-ins, cultural performances, protests, and creative direct actions. The Saturday conference will feature educational panels on Iran, Palestine, the Arab Uprisings, and the Occupy movement. Organized and led by CODEPINK, this program's sponsors and endorsers include FOR, Interfaith Peace-Builders, the Institute of Policy Studies, Just Foreign Policy, The Nation, Jewish Voice for Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine chapters, and more than 120 other groups.

Learn more and register today!

View this event on Facebook.

Delegations to Iran:
May 11-22 and Nov. 4-15

Iran and the United States have not had any formal relationship in more than three decades. In this situation, the government and the press are free to demonize their adversary, and to create a dangerous and wild picture that will justify their hostile stance, and rejection of the other side. Over time, future use of military force becomes acceptable to the people.

FOR's Iran peace delegation in 2009

FOR believes that providing ordinary people in the United States an opportunity to meet with ordinary Iranians, and to see their world through their eyes, can begin to build a bridge between our peoples, who are separated by thick walls of propaganda and politically motivated disinformation.

In our civilian delegations, individuals try to meet with a cross-section of Iranian society, including members of more than one political faction, and of more than one religion, cultural, and nongovernmental activists, as well as to visit and appreciate the beauties of Iran. The only sure way to peace is love and understanding. This is the potential of the bridge that FOR chooses to build.

Each trip is scheduled to spend 10 days in Iran, visiting the cities of Tehran, Qom, Isfahan, Shiraz, and Yazd.

Upcoming delegations to Iran:

  • May 11-22
    Application deadline March 1
  • November 4-15
    Application deadline Aug. 1

The cost to you is $4,500, which covers airfare as well as transportation within Iran, accommodations, visa fees, entrance fees and related costs.

Apply to be part of an upcoming Iran delegation!

Delegation to Colombia:
July 21-Aug. 4

Four decades of armed conflict in Colombia have led to indigenous people, women, union activists, youth, journalists, and human rights workers being subject to killing, displacement, and kidnapping. Yet, despite this adversity, Colombian refuse to give up in their courageous quest for peace and social justice.

How do you build a culture of peace amidst violence? The emergence of peace communities, sustainable agriculture in rural areas, youth-led cultural projects to refuse war, and women’s networks taking a lead in organizing for peace, has provided a political space for civilians who find themselves caught in the crossfire of the armed groups.

Join the Fellowship of Reconciliation on a powerful delegation as we visit communities and organizations that struggle for the right to say no to armed conflict and are creating peace and justice from the grassroots up.

Highlights of the delegation:

  • Travel to the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó.
  • Meet with communities in Eastern Antioquia working to return to the lands they were forcebly displaced from.
  • Meet youth activists who courageously and creatively challenge military spending and advocate for their right to be not dragged into the war.
  • Meet women, labor, students, human rights activistis that successfully organized opposing US military bases in their country.
  • Experience unparalleled access to understand how Colombian groups continue in their quest for peace and social justice.
  • Find how you can be part of a global effort to build a better world.

Upcoming delegation to Colombia:

  • July 21 - August 4
    Application deadline June 1

The cost to you is $1,500, plus the cost of your airfare to Colombia.

Apply to be part of this Colombia delegation!

Arts Delegation to Palestine: June or September

Palestine separation wall and FOR delegation member, 2009In 2011, the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s Task Force on the Middle East in collaboration with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb and the Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence organized an artists’ delegation to Palestine to use the arts as a form of community building, do solidarity work, transform space, learn about the nonviolent movements for peace and justice that are happening on the ground, and build friendships with the Palestinian people.

The first FOR-sponsored artist delegation to Palestine took place in September 2011. Six artists from the U.S. and China spent a month facilitating art workshops and painting murals in the Balata Refugee Camp, just south of Nablus in the West Bank. In three weeks, our team created three murals in collaboration with many women, men, and children living in Balata.

In the summer or fall of 2012, we will return to Balata and work with our friends at the Women’s Program Center and to paint murals in the Jenin Refugee Camp.

We are now accepting applications for this next trip. Although the dates are not yet confirmed, the trip will either be June or September 2012.

Upcoming delegation to Palestine:

  • June or September
    Application deadline March 30

The cost to you is $2,500, which will include your travel to Palestine, most meals, housing, and transportation on the ground.

Apply to be part of this Palestine arts delegation!

Delegation to Palestine and Israel:
July 14-27 and Oct. 21-Nov. 3

Deheisheh refugee camp during an IFPB delegationTravel to Israel and Palestine with Interfaith Peace-Builders, formerly a program of FOR.

July 14 to 27: Today's Realities and Tomorrow's Leaders

This delegation will explore current realities of life for Israelis and Palestinians, including settlements, the occupation, and the peace process -- by learning directly from those living there We will also explore issues relevant to young people in the region, including efforts to educate and empower future generations working towards a just resolution to the conflict. Our itinerary will feature meetings with leaders of civil society groups, grassroots organizers, Palestinian and Israeli youth, religious leaders and more.

Application deadline: April 1.

The cost to you is $2,100, plus the cost of your airfare to Israel. Partial scholarships are available.

Apply to be a part of this delegation!

October 21 to November 3: African Heritage Delegation

This delegation will raise awareness, heighten activism, and further link struggles between African Heritage communities in the United States and those working for justice in Israel and Palestine. This program is built upon existing efforts within African Heritage communities and will strengthen work focusing on Apartheid in Israel, justice in Palestine, and the growth of boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns nationally. Individuals of African descent are encouraged to apply.

Application deadline: Accepted on a rolling basis -- apply early!

The cost to you is $2,100, plus the cost of your airfare to Israel. Partial scholarships are available.

Apply to be a part of this delegation!

October 21 to November 3: Olive Harvest Delegation

This delegation is an opportunity to participate in the Palestinian olive harvest -- a time of great community activism, where people of all ages from Palestine, Israeli peace activists, and international groups, join farmers as they reap their harvest. You will hear from Palestinian farmers and learn of the importance of agriculture to the Palestinian economy and culture. As with our other trips, you will also meet Israelis and Palestinians working for peace and justice.

Application deadline: Accepted on a rolling basis until September 1 -- apply early!

The cost to you is $2,200, plus the cost of your airfare to Israel. Partial scholarships are available.

Apply to be a part of this delegation!

Fellowship of Reconciliation  |  P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for@forusa.org  |  www.forusa.org  |  (845) 358-4601

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